My name's Curtis Klingelhoets and I live in the middle of no where (also known as the middle of Wyoming).
I'm currently unemployed, though I'd like this to change. I do not enjoy doing nothing.
I'm a big major nerd! lol. . .I LOVE trading card games; Magic The Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh, Legend Of The 5 Rings, Chaotic. . .heck, I even know how to play Pokemon! haha
I'm also in love with my MacBook and my iPad at the moment. The iPad is the single greatest gadget I've ever held in my hands. . .sometimes I find it hard to put down!
Other then that there's not much too me.
I live a quiet life. A boring life.
I would like to get back into photography, and I hope to get into camping and even some hiking this summer as well.
I hope to update this "about me" page as time passes and I get more interesting! lol